We’ve often said that you cannot compare the performance of schools with different intakes.

But you might want to compare the performance of schools sharing similar intakes.

Or there might be other reasons you want to compare one school to another.

You might want to benchmark financial and workforce resources rather than performance. You might want to find schools that were performing like yours in the past but which have since improved so you can find out how they have done it.

It’s also the case that there are an infinite number of ways of defining similar schools, and the best way of doing it for one purpose may not be the best way of doing it for another.

To look at these sorts of questions from a variety of different angles, we’ve built Schools Like Yours, a resource that allows you to find schools similar to your own – where you define what similar means.

Only interested in schools within a certain geographic distance of your own that have disadvantage rates close to yours? Other Catholic schools? Other junior schools?

All of those are among the filters you can apply.

You can then view and download a range of publicly available data about the set of schools like yours.

So far, the tool is available for mainstream Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 schools. They both contain data on:

  • performance (last three years);
  • school characteristics (governance, region, denomination etc.);
  • pupil characteristics;
  • absence;
  • finance;
  • workforce;
  • Ofsted ratings

If it proves popular, we’ll keep adding to it.

Try finding similar schools to your own now: visit Schools Like Yours.

And let us know what you think of the tool – get in touch via Twitter or email.

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