Over the last five years, the Department for Education has taken steps to reduce teacher workload. This was spurred by results from the TALIS 2013 survey which illustrated how teachers in England work longer hours than teachers in most other countries. The government subsequently pledged to “[collect] robust evidence on teacher workload at least every two years”.

But what counts as “robust evidence”? And has the DfE kept this promise? Let’s take a look.

What would “robust evidence” look like?

For evidence on teacher workload to really be “robust” it should meet the following three criteria (at least):

  • The survey should include a large enough sample of teachers to minimise uncertainty due to sampling error
  • The sample of teachers should be randomly selected and have a high response rate
  • The questions used to collect data on working hours should have as little measurement error as possible

The main source the DfE uses to track teacher workload is the Teacher Workload Survey – (TWS). How well does this resource meet these criteria?

Well, the sample size is certainly large – over 3,000 teachers in 2016. But, as for the other two criteria? I am not so sure.

Is the TWS really representative of teachers in England?

Although the TWS draws a random sample, its credibility as a reliable source of information about teacher workload is undermined by its low response rates. Take the 2016 TWS. Out of the 900 schools initially selected, just 245 (27%) agreed to take part. Then, of the 10,410 teachers within these schools, just 3,186 (31%) completed the survey.

The final overall response rate can then be calculated by multiplying these two percentages together (27% multiplied by 31%). This gives a figure of just 8%.

Or, put another way, out of every 12 teachers who were meant to respond to the TWS, 11 didn’t.

With such a woeful response rate, the DfE’s promise to collect “robust evidence” on teacher workload looks a bit farfetched.

How reliably are working hours measured within teacher surveys?

The TWS essentially uses questions from TALIS (the Teaching and Learning International Survey) to measure teachers’ working hours. Specifically, respondents are asked:

a. A single question asking about total hours worked in a reference week;
b. Multiple questions asking about number of hours spent upon several different tasks (e.g. teaching, marking, administration, management)

The amount of time spent upon each task in b. can then be added together to give a second, separate estimate of teachers’ total working hours each week.

We can get a sense of how reliably teachers’ working hours are reported by comparing these two measures for the TALIS dataset. This is shown for England in the chart below.

Although there is a reasonable correlation between the two measures, it is far from perfect (the correlation coefficient is 0.74). In other words, there is quite a lot of reporting error in measures of teachers’ total working hours.

One of the implications of this is shown in the chart below, where total working hours of teachers are compared across countries using the two approaches.

England is show as a grey dot, and blue dots show countries with similar PISA performance to England.  High-performing PISA countries are show in red; low-performing countries in green.

In some countries, the gap between the two measures is vast. In South Africa, for example, total reported working hours differ by 17 hours each week (35 versus 52 hours per week) depending which measure is used.

For England the gap is smaller, at around four hours – 49 hours versus 53. But that still represents a fair difference between the two measures – which raises more questions about measurement error. (It’s also worth saying that, whichever way you look at it, teachers in this country are working long hours.)

Given the fact that the TWS questions are based on those used in TALIS, we might suspect that similar issues exist with the TWS.

What should the DfE do instead?

This combination of low response rates and error in measurement has led me to conclude that the TWS, as it is currently designed, is not fit for purpose. It needs to change.

The gold standard would be for the next workload survey to attempt to gather time-use diary data from a truly representative cross-section of teachers. This will undoubtedly mean that the DfE has to commit more resource to measuring teacher workload, rather than trying to do it on the cheap.

Indeed, unless such data are collected, the DfE will probably never be able to measure teachers’ working hours with the necessary precision to determine whether their efforts to reduce teacher workload has succeeded.

This blogpost is part of a wider study into the health of teachers, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.

A sister blogpost released yesterday, summarising the latest evidence on teacher working hours in England, is available here.

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